104 Boonton Ave., Kinnelon, NJ 07405

(973) 291-4041

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Integrative Herbalism is a wellness center like no other; personal consultations, which include client-specific supplements, and a plethora of classes and individual workshops are available, as well as a fully stocked herbal apothecary and tea shop. Herbal medicine, botanical medicine or phytomedicine, refers to using various components of plants for therapeutic means including the seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, and flowers. The efficacy of herbalism has stood the test of time and, when used correctly, can be integrated with conventional medicine for additional benefits.

CLINIC: Founder, Jim Furey, sees clients confidentially to assist with a variety of afflictions such as Lymes disease, diabetes, thyroid issues, anxiety, sleep problems, weight management and more. Jim Furey designs a program and provides custom products tailored to each client based off of a comprehensive intake procedure. Integrative Herbalism draws understanding and methodology from Western, Eastern, Ayurvedic, Native American, and traditional Chinese medicine.


CLASSES & EVENTS: Educational workshops and classes of many varieties can be found at the center throughout the week with herbalism and naturopathy at its core. From drum circles to herbal medicine seminars, yoga classes to Tai Chi, even gardening, there is something for everyone willing to find it.

PRODUCTS: Integrative Herbalism will maintain an herbal apothecary catering to your everyday needs, as well as featuring unique and specialized herbs in rotation. The center will also have available materials necessitated by the classes offered; your yoga supplies, Tai Chi equipment and essential brewing materials can be provided.

Upon your first visit to our center, herbalist Jim Furey will explain the benefits of complimentary medicine and thoroughly evaluate which products or services may be to your advantage.

For all inquiries contact us at:

Jim Furey

Kinnelon, Integrative Herbalism | 973-291-4041

104 Boonton AveKinnelon, NJ 07405


Store Hours

Retail Shop




1:00 pm - 7:00 pm


12:00 pm - 6:00 pm


1:00 pm - 7:00 pm


1:00 pm - 7:00 pm


11:00 am - 5:00 pm



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Integrative Herbalism

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